Professional Full Service Backoffice To Streamline Your Retail Operations

Contact Us
What We Do

We Digify All Of Your Invoice & Purchase Order Data So That You Always Have Accurate Quantities, Prices, and Margins On Everything You Sell

Using our Proprietary AI & OCR capabilities, we automate the transfer of all of your purchase and invoice data into your Point of Sale software so that you can quickly know the status of your retail business & inventory

Item Update

We Update Cost Price, Delivery Times & Other Data Based on Your Latest Vendor Data

Item Creation Automation

As you receive new inventory, we create new items with all necessary pertaining fields such as price and dimensions


We Reconcile All Your Invoices & Purchase Orders to Ensure That You Get What You Ordered. We Notify You Of Price, Quantity, or SKU discrepancies

What We Do

Everything You Need to Run Your Retail Operation In One Place


Finance & Accounting

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Inventory Planning & Ordering Support

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API Development & IT Support

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Website & E-commerce Development

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Accurate Inventory Data All The Time

How POS Data Entry Automation Works

Retailer Provides PO or Invoice to 360 Retail Management

Proprietary AI and Optional Character Recognition Software Captures All Purchase Data

360 Retail Staff Member Reviews Data For Accuracy & Enters Purchase Data Directly Into Your POS

Retailer Has All Necessary Inventory Data in POS including Cost Price, Unit Count, UPC, Sales Tax & Sale Price

Our Accomplishments For Our Clients

~$45,960 Profit Increase

per year per location

~225% Return on Investment

per year

~480 Hours Saved

of Owner/ Manager Time

Why Work With 360 Retail Management?

A Partnership with Us Allows For Many Benefits Including The Below

Accurate price data for every SKU allows you to quickly realize where you’re losing money and identify opportunities for price increases

Our AI-enabled data entry automation eliminates you having to pay for someone to enter your data into your system

Accurate inventory data will allow you to cut unnecessary ordering, complete accounting more quickly, and quickly catch theft

Our solution integrates with your POS and e-commerce platform so that any new items are automatically uploaded to your website

Request a Free Consultation


Let’s Discuss Getting Your Inventory Data Correct

Please provide us a good way to contact you and a little bit about your store and what you’re hoping to accomplish in the contact form to the right. We look forward to speaking with you!

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    "360 Retail Managment's remote solutions have helped me save over $25,000 per year”

    L. Payton

    Liquor Store Owner

    "Managing my 3 stores become quite a hassle. 360 Retail Management streamlined our operation"

    J. Kokot

    Apparel Retailer

    “360 Retail Management has improved our cashflow dramatically by making sure the data in our POS is accurate”

    L. Beumer

    Clothing Retailer

    “It's a huge comfort knowing that I'll never need to hire a manager to oversee all my stores again. It's saved me significant time.”

    K. Finley

    Convenience Store Owner

    "360 Retail Management's services identified multiple accounts of theft that I had missed prior to working with them. It's been a huge savings for me.”

    R. Riley

    Grocery Store Owner
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